Aminet 25
Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso
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137 lines
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: "Oh goody, another door by the one and only Marty", your saying!? Hasn't
: this Marty guy done enuff MAXs doors.... Marty says, "Ummm, no way!" :-)
: Yes, it's another great MAXs door bought to you by GREMLiNS MAXsWARE!
Wat, how, when and all that bullshit: .
(28/03/98) Update - Version 1.2
Okay, wen a (l)user forgets their password, MAXs presents them with, if
your a useless SysOp, the text line `password violation' and kicks them
off, or a screen similar if your a great SysOp and changed it to say
sumthing else, eg: How 2 get in touch with SysOp & get their password.
The latter is how I have done it, and my sreen `no_password.bbs' is
included, for them SysOps if they wanna use it. Referring to this
screen (..mine) it tells the user wat 2 do in order 2 get their pass-
word back so they can log onto the BBS once again (oh god). So it is
important that u use such a screen saying so. So for those who have
the text line saying `security vioaltion' (MAXs default), then do the
following in the MAXs text cfg on line 7, "<bbs:text/no_password.bbs"
without the quotes, dummy. Great, that bits done.
Apart from `no_password.bbs' wich resides in the bbs:text path, all
the other files reside in the doors: path, not a sub-dir. How easy.
The door should be run via the introtext.door method as the 1st door.
Okay, now go into your MAXs user editor and `create' a new user. You
have 3 options 2 wat u call this fake user, for the door to work. You
can use the name "Guest" (as I have done), "Idiot" or "Dummy". Then
put wateva password (and details) u want 2 use, I've used "guest" as
the password. Display the `example.iff' picture for more info. Done.
CooL, that's about all you have 2 do, I think! Log onto the BBS as the
name you've used for the fake user, eg: Guest, and c if the door works.
If it works, u r presented with the screen `no_password.text', and then
upon hitting enter, presented with the screen `no_password.text2' wich
is just b4 the msg side of things. ..Okie dokie?! You may alter the
screens if you wish, or wateva.
--- -
GUESS WAT, the default name for the msg to go to is `Glen Martin' wich
is hard-coded.. You can hack the door 2 put your name in their so the
msg is left 2 u (the SysOp), or u can (as I want pple 2 do) email me
at `marty@bit.net.au' (..or Fluffy msg me) 2 get your OWN personal
copy of the No_Password door, with YOUR name as the default, okay! The
reason I have done this so pple show interest and want their own copy.
Then I know how many pple use and find my great MAXs doors usefull! :)
Complete the MY_VERSiON.rego application included for own version!
--- -
So in conclusion, if a (l)user forgets their password, they can re-log
on as the fake user, eg: Guest, and leave a msg, so u can (if u really
want too) contact the user and (laugh and abuse) tell them their pass-
word. I doubt users forget their passwords, so this would be rare. But
then again.... CLiCK!
Credits, greets and sum other krap:
The great author of this door is Glen Martin (Marty) of GREMLiNS BBS.
With some help (the colours & screen layout) by Zeffy, my fiance.
No thanx 2 my trusty Amiga, wich has pissed me off lately, aaargh! :(
Advice me of any door bugs, errors, or.... Yes, I do care?! ;))
Greets, welcome and hello go to Niki Murkett, Steve Clack, Tim Neale,
Marc Bradshaw (MAXs rulz ;), Dave Buckley, Barton Chip, John Forrest,
Erland, Stuart Hedges, Er!ny, Mr Toad & Jinx, Mathew Emerson, Olly &
Erik Koenders, The Simpsons Family, and all my email penpals!! ..And
to everybody else I forgot.... Party on!
This door is dedicated to Fluffy Net, a wORLD dOMiNATiON msg network!
Hey, guess wat great BBS is back online...? See below!
,:::::::::::::::::::, Australian (Oz) FluffyNet HQ
;:::::::::::::::::::::; and Land Net HQ
;::::;;;;;;''-;:::::::::; MAXs Pro OzHQ
;:::;;;'' 'é' ';::::::::; NSA Design Group OzHQ
';;;;'é'< ';:::::::::. LSD (Liquid Software Design) OzHQ
;;;, ==' ,',-'''-';;:; FLE (File Lister Express) WHQ
;;::::;-,,-;'; ' ';;
,;::::::::::::; ; , ' MAXs BBS World Support
,;::::::::::::; ' , , '
,;:::::::::::; ' , , ', ,,,--,,, ....mUCH mORE!
;;::::::::::; ; '' ' ,
';;;:::::::* * ' ' ,
,,,---''''''----;,',,; ; ' ,
''') ,-'''-,__ , ;;'--,, ' ,
'' '''''-, ;' ,,'', , ,
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marty@bit.net.au ; ,-' ,; '
; ' , ; '
Glen Martin ; ' , ; '
,',,,,-' ,,--' ' ,' Grestest MAXs BBS
_______ _____ ______ _____ __ __ marty@bit.net.au
( ) . ) __ )__ | | |
/ | | | | < | |_ _| [ oZ fLUFFY & lAND nET hQ, FLE WHQ ]
\__|_| |__| |__|) ) | | | | [ oZ nSA dESIGN, lSD & mAXSpRO hQ! ]
`--' `--' `--' `--' `-'
[ GREMLiNS BBS ][ +61-7-3807-6884 ][ 24 Hour BBS Service - 33.6k. CooL ] .
: Cya later everybody! ..Until next time, be well.
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